A few years ago I started listening to podcasts, mostly at work and I LOVE THEM!! Its like storytelling without the pictures and I completely get the appeal of radio shows now! Usually they're more interesting than what's on TV and you can find one of just about any subject. Usually I start listening to them when I need to get some work done that's more technical--like in-betweening or working on digital painting and illustration, basically--it keeps me in my chair working for at least an hour straight and I can usually get into the mood of animating or drawing after an episode or two. If I'm working on something like planning a shot or composition or coming up with ideas I usually find podcasts too distracting (and know that's not the time I should be turning one on!!) but sometimes when I'm tired from working my day job but still need to get some animation done and will turn one on until I can get into my project.
Here's a few that I'm really enjoying right now!
- Animated Journey by Angel Entzminger
- This is a great interview animation show about how different people got into and made their way through the animation industry. Not only are the podcast interviews really interesting but Angela also goes over events happening in animation right now. Especially good if you want to feel like you're not alone in your weird-meandering journey of animation!
- Ink & Paint Girls by Cassie Soliday
- This podcasts interviews women working in the animation industry. The interviews are from a wide variety of women working in all aspects of animation from large studios to very small and veterans in the industry as well as new comers--interviews are always super informative and interesting and especially good if you want to learn about different positions and career routes in animation
- The Art Side of Life by Iva
- Another excellent interview podcast--she interviews more well known artists and always has a very positive spin about learning and developing your craft in animation. Especially good if you're feeling a little down about getting into the industry and need a positive outlook
- The Art Corner by Anoosha & Vicki
- This one only has six episodes and seems to be on a break but I was really excited every time it updated!! Part advice-part interview, it was a new podcast that was developing its structure and was always refreshingly informal and gave really good, specific advice about the industry and being an independent artist. I recommend their two part series on having an online store --it was a really in depth look about it and super informative from two people who have a lot of experience with it--(psst--come back!!)
- Cartoon Saloon Podcast
- I LOVE this podcast! Its super unique in that the head of the studio set out to interview everyone at the studio about how and why they got into animation. Cartoon Saloon is a studio in Ireland and it was so interesting to hear different perspectives about art and the industry from another country--they seemed to have a much better work-life balance and outlook in the Irish industry and I loved that almost every one I listened to had come from a different career and started animation 'later in life' --this one is especially good if you're feeling like you're a little too late/a little to old to get into the industry....or are feeling a little jaded about animation
Right now I'm also really into adventure podcasts!! (I could seriously list a million podcasts for you to listen to but here's a few good ones for when you're maxed out on animation info!)
- Dirt Bag Diaries Want to hear about death-defying, crazy and life changing adventures?? This podcast is for you--its done storytelling style rather than interview for the most part and guest talk about their wild experiences and adventures in the outdoors. Especially good if you're feeling like an adventure but can't leave your desk right now.
- Out There by Willow Belden--This one pretty similar to Dirt Bag Diaries--about people traveling outdoors and getting out of their comfort zone. I liked this one because most of their guests were women. Its also told storytelling style and good if you want to get lost in someone else's adventure.
- Real Talk Radio with Nichole Antionette -- Nicole interviews interesting an inspirational women (and some men) from all different careers and walks of life. Its always interesting to hear how someone else built a career, over came obstacles or does crazy stuff like ultra running.